Mitchell Thorp Foundation depends on donations from individuals, foundations, community organizations, and businesses. Please become part of our lifeline of support to families living through a devastating, life-changing experience.
Here are the various ways you can contribute to
Mitchell Thorp Foundation:
How Your Gift Helps:
$50 Helps pay for a child's prescription or medical co-payment.
$100 Funds a child's transportation to and from the hospital for treatment.
$250 Purchases a wheelchair or other needed medical equipment.
$500 Covers childcare for siblings while parents are with hospitalized child.
$1,000 Covers hotel and meals while away from home getting treatments.
$1,500 Kids camp for siblings and Doctor approved patients.
$2,500 Air Travel to get patient to Doctors and hospitals for specialized treatment.
$5,000 Supports a family's living expense, utility bills and auto.
$10,000 Supports medical expenses not covered by insurance.
$25,000 Supports home repairs to make home handicap accessible
$50,000 Out of network surgeries
$100 Funds a child's transportation to and from the hospital for treatment.
$250 Purchases a wheelchair or other needed medical equipment.
$500 Covers childcare for siblings while parents are with hospitalized child.
$1,000 Covers hotel and meals while away from home getting treatments.
$1,500 Kids camp for siblings and Doctor approved patients.
$2,500 Air Travel to get patient to Doctors and hospitals for specialized treatment.
$5,000 Supports a family's living expense, utility bills and auto.
$10,000 Supports medical expenses not covered by insurance.
$25,000 Supports home repairs to make home handicap accessible
$50,000 Out of network surgeries
An MTF Success Story
Information About Donations
Contributions to the Mitchell Thorp Foundation are tax-exempt to the full extent allowed by law with 90% of all funds raised going directly to assist qualified families. All funds are distributed directly to vendors. An application required by all families.
Once you have completed the easy online donation process, an acknowledgment and tax receipt will be e-mailed to you for your records. Click the button below to get started with your donation.
If you do not wish to donate online, simply fill in the form and then print out the mail-in donation form below. Make sure to indicate the type of donation you wish to make -- either by check or credit card -- along with the other required information and mail to the address on the form.